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Speaking at Ideas & Inspiration

If you have an inspiring and thought provoking idea you’d like to share at the Ideas & Inspiration stage, we want to hear from you! Please use our speaker application form

Our Speakers

At Ideas & Inspiration, we are always on the lookout for speakers with a with a great message to share to the world. Our speakers are from all walks of life and bring with them diverse life experiences, perspectives, and lessons to help others lead a more meaningful life. Ideas & Inspiration seeks thought leaders and change makers, both emerging and established, to take stage and inspire our global community of lifelong learners.

FAQ: Speaking at Ideas & Inspiration

Ideas & Inspiration isn't a typical conference where expectations are low and commitment is optional. At Ideas & Inspiration, the audience expectations of the speakers are high and the Ideas & Inspiration speaker team work with speakers well in advance of the conference to help shape a presentation that will succeed on the Ideas & Inspiration stage.

How do I apply to be a speaker?
Use our speaker application form, and fill in as much information as you can. This form goes directly to our speaker selection team.

Will I be guaranteed a speaking slot if I apply?
No. Speakers are selected based on the quality, originality, or uniqueness of the idea being proposed.

What would increase my chances of being selected as a speaker for Ideas & Inspiration? 
You stand a higher chance to be selected as a speaker should the talk you propose: 

  • have ideas that are new, original, or backed by research

  • ignite a sense of discovery and wonder

  • come from personal experience with valuable learning lessons

  • provoke thoughts in a positive way

  • challenge our audience’s perspectives of the world

What would decrease my chances of being selected as a speaker for Ideas & Inspiration? 
You are least likely to be selected as a speaker should you propose: 

  • talks that are geared to promote an individual or company rather than an idea

  • ideas that will have little or no impact to the audience

  • talks that are training sessions

  • talks that aim to sell the audience a product or a service

Is prior speaking experience needed?
No. While past speaking experience helps us gauge the suitability of your speaking style to our audience, we accept applications from anyone with a great idea. The speaker team works with every speaker individually and collectively to ensure proper guidance, coaching, and mentorship is given accordingly.

I want to speak at Ideas & Inspiration but want to skip the rehearsals. Can I just show up at the event and speak? 
We strictly enforce the mandatory rehearsal sessions at Ideas & Inspiration to ensure speakers deliver talks to the best of their abilities. We've found that a carefully prepared presentation have astonishing impact.

What do you pay speakers?
Ideas & Inspiration does not pay speakers. We do, of course, provide pre-conference coaching and training, beautifully produced videos and high quality event photography.